IT1901 Fall 2022 - 4th lecture
Administrative issues
Group contract
Reference group
Getting help
Upcoming deliverables
Special thanks to the reference group volunteers for their interest in the course.
we selected a representative mix in the order of volunteering
you can see the contact info in Blackboard
questions regarding the course organization and proposals for improvements should be communicated to the reference group
August Sætre Aasvær
Skage Klingstedt Reistad
Iver Baardsgaard Brønstad
Anna Østmo
Mats Ellingsen
Victoria Kjerstin Huaco Simensen
groups have been formed based on the form and input from students
check in BlackBoard if you are in a group
for issues with groups contact Farzana Quayyum <>
338 out of the 353 enrolled students have been distributed to groups
we will proceed to create the gitlab groups with the same composition as the Blackboard groups ASAP
Use piazza instead of sending individual emails to staff
192 out of 338 students have registered in piazza
If relevant you can use the technical help-desk
how to access it and use it is posted in Blackboard
A TA will be assigned to each group
subject matter and group related questions should be addressed to them
1st individual assignment
deadline on this Friday at 16:00
271 out of 338 - requested access for 1st individual assignment
this is a mandatory exercise, you cannot get a grade in the course if you do not pass it
group contract
deadline on this Friday at 16:00
contact the other members of your group
start working on the group contract
Minimum requirements for agreement:
Time spent
Expectations for the individual contribution
What happens in the event of deviations or disagreements
must be approved by the TA for the group
signed by all group members
and delivered this Friday by 16:00
more recommended items:
handling differences in motivation level and ambition
what quality is expected, how defines the group something to be "done"
distribution of time between meetings / group work / individual work
what happens if course work needs more time than expected
more recommended items:
delays, sickness, absence - how does the group handle these
meeting routines both for physical and virtual (agreement for time, agenda, meeting minutes etc)
general communication tools (email, phone, im etc) and response time
dealing as a group with deliverables and deadlines
more recommended items:
giving feedback to the others
dealing with conflicts and disagreements
dealing with breach of contract
procedure to follow if the group is not able to solve conflicts / disagreements internally
choose an app / service that you know well and select a couple of features to implement during the semester
point is to learn by implementing these using the required architectures
we are not looking for quantity but for quality, so just few core features will suffice
the chosen app needs to be suitable for a cloud based service
there must therefore be some dynamic data per user managed by the server.
eg. a (currency) calculation will NOT fit such a project.
one good starting point are the cases from the HCI course (MMI)
short, simple descriptions for application features
formulated from the stand point of the user / customer
As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.
they are not replacing design documents / requirements specification
they need to be developed into specific tasks and connected to constraints and other meaningful documentation.
meaningful iterations of comparable length
they should have a clear goal
3 deliverables - map to releases
a release should produce a minimum viable product (MVP)
a MVP is a version of an application with just enough features to be usable in getting feedback to guide the development process
regular stand-up meetings (synchronize and commit, remove hindrances)
retrospectives (reflect on your group work)
sprint reviews / demos (invite TA, prepare deliverables)
popular agile development technique
recommended to be used in your groups